Yo Mama Like It is a artist directory dedicated to the development of Industry Standards providing a place for artist to post their bios. To be listed artist must submit a bio w/pic to YoMamaLikeIt@gmail.com

Friday, October 21, 2011

From the staff....

This forum is designed to elevate the professional standards of artist in the entertainment industry. We all know many artist who are very talented with their craft but when it comes to business they are severly lacking any focus or structure. If the goal is getting into the entertainment industry then your at the right site. You must have a bio or press release with photo to be able to get listed. NO MUSIC/VIDEOS will be posted. This site is strictly for the business side of the entertainment industry. The purpose for this is to see if your first impression and overall presentation will drive people to want to hear your music. This is kinda of like the online version of approaching someone on the street with a flyer or CD. Send your bios and press releases to YoMamaLikeIt@gmail.com